Sunday, March 26, 2017

Reviving dead rechargables / tiefentladene Akkus wiederbeleben

Weil ich das gerade eben mehrfach erfolgreich gemacht habe:
liegen Akkus lange herum kann es sein dass sie so tief entladen, dass der Akkulader sie nicht mehr "erkennt" und nicht mehr lädt.
Wenn man/frau den Akkus einen kurzen "Impuls" verpasst, etwa indem ein baugleicher geladener Akku für 5 Sekunden parallel geschaltet wird (also + auf + und - auf -) , lässt sich der Akku anschliessend wieder laden. Erfolgreich gewesen bei 9V Blöcken von Ansmann und bei LiPos von Conrad.
An euren Erfahrungen / Einwänden bin ich interessiert.

If a rechargable cannot be charged because the charger doesn't recognize the rechargable as it has been lieing around too long it might work to give the rechargable a "power shot" by using a charged one and connecting + to + and - to -for ~5 sec and immediately placing the dead one into the charger. If you have any concern let me know.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Repairing my beloved NAD 513 CD Changer

Some weeks ago the display of my beloved NAD 513 Cd Changer died.

I already scanned the market for a replacement (which would eventually have resulted in replacing may complete (pretty aged) Audio-Equipment with e.g. (any thoughts on that?)), but then i stumbled upon a hint that only the display backlight might be broken and i got curious.
By pointing a flashlight to the dead display i verified that the display was working well so i unpacked the screwdrivers!

Unfortunately the 513 is engineered in a way that i had to disassemble it completely to reach the broken bulbs. Complete case, Front panel, main circuit board, everything was unmounted.
My prefered supply shop ( had no matching spare part available so i soldered in some LED + Resistor (first real solder job for years).

After assembling everything again (as usual a bunch of screws was left at the end) i fired up the 513 and it worked pretty well.

+ cost: ~1€ for LED + Resistor
+ satisfaction: priceless

- no justification for bying some brand new 5.1 audio equipment

PS: sorry for missing pics, i completely forgot to document my repair job :-(